miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010


Recently I saw the movie “social network”. An excellent film. The movie shows the life of Mark Zuckerberg, a nerd who decides to create a computer game where people categorizes women and then he created the world-famous web page "facebook.". The film shows Mark like a person corrupted by power and money. A friend of him in an Internet column defended him. He said that Mark has the same girlfriend and the same friends and he created Facebook in order to shape a networked and redefine social relations. As napster redefined the way of we listen music.

It is strange how technology is defining us as people. But the technology only defines us as people linked together to work best. The utopia of technology make us happier is obviously obsolete. 50 years ago we lived with no problem without cell phones, now it is imperative that not only have a cell, but also a computer, Internet, or those things.

Rockefeller, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg (to name a few) have redefined how we inter-related and have created a new way of we think our reality. They now control how we communicate and unfortunately not be included in "their" way of communication is to be obsoleted. I have no facebook and obviously I missed many parties, news, new bands or other events. The problem is that this way of interfacing becomes an ideology that is naturalized in life. Thus to create a facebook account I am allowing the CIA has access to all the information I'm giving away. When I buy a computer I am supporting an economic that become more slaves to the poorest countries. That is to say I'm talking a language that involves power and business.

In conclusion. Unfortunately if you do not join to this new social networks obviously you're out of the new "society." And if you do, you're supporting a company that enhances the social gaps. As the song of molotov. "If you give more power to the power, the harder they will come to fuck you". Now the power is not economic but of information. And we do row every day to give free information about who we are, who are ours friends and what we like. We are Inviting the Big Brother to keep us company.

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010


I really enjoy reading. Literature has always accompanied my life. I do not remember which was the first book I read. Maybe it was "papelucho" (or that was the first book that I liked, becouse the first book could be like "la abejita feliz" or something like that). The thing is that books are great unfortunately there is no culture the literature (life very fast, expensive price of books, etc)

My favorite book is "generation X" by Douglas Coupland. This book tells the life of three friends who live in a world that is not of theirs. just live and they tell histories to her and his friends.

I do not know if I have a favorite author. I like many authors and all have different things. I love Borges, Coupland, Palanhiuk, Foster Wallace, Bolaño,carver and I could add more authors, all authors have something.

The books are like movies (such as entry had before) they help us to live. That is why I do not get problems in a particular story (even with no history in the book)I just like the books in general.

The books have taught me much, not about the world, but about me. I remember when I read "Tropic of Cancer" by Muller I was excited and wanted to have the same adventures. Or when I read "on the road" obviously I traveled the same year, like the caracter of "rayuela" (traveled).

The best books are those that tell us a lot with little. That is why we must stop writing large quantities and focus only on something. One thing that we can tell and that could change ours life.

Best to end this post is just shut up and say, "let's read one nice book, which opens a new world to us there." good bye and let's get read.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010


People learn in school about environmental practices. Generally there are taught. But the truth is that very few is taught in the school. People learn about environmental practices in the Internet or by rock bands (as in the photograph of whatshesaidwas that appears Radiohead frontman). There is very few information about this very complex and important topic in our daily life. I want to buy a compost but I really don’t know where they sell. There are no facilities to care the environment. The "energy saving" bulbs have mercury, and just one of this is more toxic than 100 normal bulbs. the market is not interested in the environment.

I have not incorported any kind of recycling in my home, but I would love. This is because it is very difficult to find information and products to recycle in the normal market.

To move I use the bike, I have traveled almost all Santiago by bicycle. The problem of cycling is that your bike might be stolen when someone cut your chain, but thank God I have a pretty good chain to leave it tied.

I'm not join to any organization. Mainly because I have no time to participate in any of that. But I would love to join a group of that.

To help the environment I try to consume as little as possible. Thus there is less waste. In fact I have a very old computer that barely runs but let me do the work of the university (I have to format it each semester, but no matter because I don’t give more digital garbage to the world.) So I try to reduce my carbon footprint, turn off the lights and my showers are very fast.

In Santiago we need more information on these topics. More campaigns and facilities to recycle (like three garbage collector) or bicycle parking or bike ways. Order to have a greener santiago.