miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

There's something about... Movies!!

Movies, are they usefull for somethings?. It is a question that is always done. I have to admit that I'm writing this and I'm studing cinema. In a text I read that the films are used to teach how to live. I agree with that.

The films teach you to live. They accompany you. They make you feel loved and that you're not alone. Speaking about stories (I know, that is not a movie) but the other day a friend told me that if he hadn’t seen the series "Daria" (which you can see complete here http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=1C1539A9B1CB2CCC) he couldn’t support the school ... a little exaggerated, but he is a little exaggerated. He is my friend.

The films have taught me a lot, but more than teach me they have accompanied me. Barthes said that life is made of small solitudes. And is becouse this that exists the movies, to make this little solitary life a little bit less solitary life. I think that movies are a bit like the songs with us, Its make us feel better.

There are several movies that I like. But "my favorite" is "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind." I think it's perfect because it does not claim to be perfect. It has a subtlety that makes the image feel very close.

I really do not know what else to put in this post. A friend told me that when she went to study literature in the inaugural speech a teacher said that one can not force everyone to read. As one can not force everyone to be happy. The films we make loved in a world that does not.

I feel that this comment will be very sickly-sweet . But sometimes I though that we are rude and in others time we are more sensitive, and it could sounds very gay, but today is one of those days that i feel more sensitive. Maybe I have to go see a movie. Or Daria xD.

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010


Many doctors around the world have come to Haiti to help combat cholera affection in this country. Cholera has killed more than 250 people and has infected more than 3,000. In the poorest country in Latin America.

In hospitals there is no room for many patients, which is why so many tent hospitals have been built throughout Haiti. Quick action by all physicians has stalled the number of infected in this country.

Recall that Haiti has suffered a terrible earthquake in January. Therefore are no good living conditions and hygiene. So it's an environment ripe for cholera to spread.

Cholera is a disease that causes vomiting and diarrhea. This disease is spread by bacteria growing in human feces. Haiti is not good in this moment to fight with this bacteria is because this that the bacteria spreads rapidly.

The doctors fear the disease arrive to Port-au-Prince, as the capital, so many people living there and they could be infected. The doctors are working as quickly as possible, and they are pleased that the number of infections has stalled. They are satisfied trying to help a country so beaten by poverty.

Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/25/haiti-cholera-outbreak-deaths

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

The simpson (8)

I really don’t see many TV series. I haven’t much time, and my time is not continuous. I can’t sit every day or every Saturday, for example, to see a program. That is why if I had to choose a program. I woud choose The Simpsons. Because I haven’t always follow it, and It is giving all day. On channel 13 or FOX.

I saw “lost”. But it was hard for me download a new chapter every Saturday . Also I saw it with my friends, and whenever someone (usually me) had a problem to get together. Everything was wrong. We rent entire season and we saw it all in two days. But it was still boring because everyone knew the final 6 months ago.

I like the Simpsons because they are fools. They are not trying to be intelligent, or complicated, simply made fun everything. Are different from other TV shows because they are absurd, and very smart in its absurdity.

There are several characters. Bart, which is the annoying child (Like Deniel the mischievous) and makes pure nonsense. It’s Liza, which is the sister who is super smart and nerdy. It’s Homer, who is very stupid and makes pure nonsense too, like is soon. And It’s Marge who is the mother, who tries to sort out the family. But the family can not be sorted because they are all crazy and that makes it entertaining.
These is the Simpson family. Enjoy them.